Thursday, August 6, 2009

Day 2 - 8/5

Another day of eating good. Also managed to work out for a full hour, a half hour of wii and then a half hour of elliptical. We've been adding a lot vegetables and fruit to our meals.

The key for keeping full and eating a good meal is calculating the calories, fat, etc. Then figuring out whether or not you can have more or not. Yesterday instead of dressing on my salad I substituted cheese. It's a matter of deciding what you really want and not.

The biggest obstacle of the last two days is that I'm starting to crave all the foods I really shouldn't have. Arby's, Little Ceasars, Taco Bell. It's hard but perhaps I will indulge just a little this weekend. Just a little being the key word.

Still no treatment effects from the Alli, thanks to my anal adding and calculating. Hey better then shitting on yourself.

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